

So slowly I am falling back in place. Getting up and down is easier. Insomnia is still a guest here, becoming quite common in fact. The days are longer now though and the sun is coming back into our lives. I hope it will bring much health and long nights of sleep with it.

Last night my honey and I had our first little romantic meal at our new table. It is nice to take time out to just enjoy each others company. The wine was very nice and so were the wonderful shrimp he made. I think he is on a seafood kick this month *grin*

I did this sketch before bed last night and was quite satisfied. Today is just looks garish. I need much work getting my pencil skills back in order.

I had another long session of wakefulness in the middle of the night last night, so I worked on my celestial paisleys and added some more crazy quilt detail. I am really loving this piece!

I have many plans for dyeing but have ran out of soda ash. Since the last box I found was in a hardware store in Agen I am really hoping I can find a place to purchase it here. I already searched the two grocery stores nearby. I didn't think I would find it there but I had hoped. We are going to go into town Monday after my checkup...hopefully then!
Hope you are all having a wonderful weekend with much sun!
1 comment on "Awakening"
  1. I love your crazy patchwork embroidery and beadwork. I also like your drawing, the face ghas so much character and so does the sleeping moon man, I don't see him as grumpy at all. I just find myself thinking what is he thinking about?
