
On Flying to France

The trip to France
Saturday, July 14th
I was surprised this morning by Renae bringing me Orange Juice and coffee to my bed. What a treat ^^ She is such a sweet person! After taking my time waking up, we sat down to a delightful breakfast consisting of an asparagus omelette, apple chicken sausages and a nice bowl of Rainier Cherries and pineapple. After our meal it was off to the airport. I was so nervous! We stopped in to buy me a crossword puzzle book for the flight and a few snacks and then I went to line up for security. It went quickly. The flight to Detroit was uneventful and soon I was waiting for my flight to Amsterdam. Upon boarding the plane I found myself sitting alone through almost the whole seating process. I was beginning to think I would be lucky enough to have both seats to myself but at the very end along came this family of four...the husband, who was a rather large sweaty man sat next to me...his wife sat across the aisle, and oh lucky me (sarcasm here :p) their two little ones. One of them being approximately one and a half. Needless to say the trip across was horrendous. The one time I did get up to go to the restroom I scraped my leg on the back of his seat. He constantly hogged the arm rest and I felt cramped down in my little space. The little one was consistently trying to unplug my headphones and making a fuss. My legs felt on fire! By the time we landed in Amsterdam my feet had swelled up like balloons...as had the rest of me. It felt funny to even walk. I went immediately to my next gate...a journey that required me traveling across the entire airport and standing in line to once again go through a security check and unpacking my carry on. It was the WORST flight I have ever been on! ON boarding the plane to Bordeaux, the stewardess took one look at me and asked if I was alright. After assuring her that I was only VERY tired she immediately brought me a pillow and attempted to make me comfortable. The plane to Bordeaux was quite surprising. For one thing the room was fantastic! Here I was on a small city hopper and I could stretch completely! The stewardess were very friendly and helpful and everyone seemed very relaxed. There were children playing on the floor of the aisles with their cars o0, and the food was relatively good for airplane food. They offered coffee and tea twice besides the drink we had at first and they served a full meal...on a two hour flight! If this is European service, I'll take it ^__^ By the time I reached Bordeaux I felt much better. Seeing D again was the best thing ever! I missed him SO much. The trip home was hard. We had to take a bus, then a tram and then...walk home about 5 big blocks. Normally this wouldn't be a problem but with two very LARGE suitcases, a carry on with a computer in it and my GInormous purse...not so fun. D tried to be the gentleman and take it all but my purse but I put my foot down and took one of the cases. They were on wheels so it wasn't that bad but it was very hot. Upon reaching the apartment, I literally passed out and slept forever. I didn't even really look at the apartment. When I woke up D gave me the grand tour, and I have to say, he did a fantastic job of making things ready for me. Especially considering he only had one weekend and the day before I came to do it in. What a sweety! Our new apartment is very comfortable and nice. I think it will be perfect for us. So now the adventure begins!

A picture taken out our front window.
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